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Another 'Love Is Blind' Couple Bites The Dust

Another 'Love Is Blind' Couple Bites The Dust

Before the season 5 cast even gets back to Houston, they're down to two couples.
Photo Credit: Netflix / Canva

This season of “Love Is Blind” is less about rooting for any of the couples, and more about watching with fascination as relationships fall apart and — maybe — come back together. And this week, the couple that did NOT defy the odds, is horny-for-Americana J.P. and sweet kindergarten teacher Taylor.

After forcing his partner to endure three days of painful awkwardness, in which he answered every question with one word, J.P. revealed to Taylor that the root of their issues was… HER MAKEUP. Yes… her makeup. Because how dare a woman who is filming an internationally broadcast television show put on false eyelashes for her big engagement reveal? The horror!

Luckily, Taylor seemed just as appalled by this as those of us watching, and she decided things between them simply needed to end. Good for you, Tay. No one deserves a life with a semi-sentient American flag.

This man is horny AF for America.

(I also read — unfortunately after taping this episode — that there were apparently other couples th…

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Claire Fallon and Emma Gray obsessively analyze our cultural obsessions, from fashion trends to books to the buzziest scripted TV shows.